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Welcome to LIVE FM, the pioneering radio station that's amplifying the voices of students across the globe. At LIVE FM, we believe in the power of communication, creativity, and community. Our platform offers students from various educational institutions the unique opportunity to broadcast their radio shows and podcast content, both locally and internationally, providing a diverse and vibrant tapestry of student perspectives, stories, and talents.

Empowering Student Voices

LIVE FM is more than just a radio station; it's a movement towards empowering the next generation of broadcasters, journalists, and storytellers. By giving students the tools and platform to express themselves, we are fostering a global community where young voices are not just heard but valued and celebrated. Our mission is to unlock the potential within each student, encouraging them to explore their interests, cultivate their talents, and share their insights with the world.

Global Reach, Local Impact

With LIVE FM, the power of broadcasting is at your fingertips. Whether you're airing a show from a school in New York, a podcast from a university in Tokyo, or a live interview series from a college in Nairobi, your voice can reach listeners around the world. At the same time, our platform promotes local engagement, allowing schools and communities to connect and collaborate through shared stories and experiences.

Inclusive and Interactive

Our inclusive platform ensures that every student, regardless of background or experience, has the opportunity to be a part of our global broadcasting community. LIVE FM offers a range of resources and support to help students create content that resonates, whether it's music, news, sports, or cultural programming. Plus, our interactive features enable listeners to engage with broadcasters, providing feedback, asking questions, and participating in discussions.

Join the LIVE FM SCHOOLS Community

At LIVE FM, we're more than just a radio station—we're a global network of student voices, each with its own unique story to tell. Whether you're looking to broadcast your first podcast, share your musical talents, discuss important issues, or simply connect with like-minded individuals from around the world, LIVE FM is your platform. Join us in our mission to empower student voices and make a difference, one broadcast at a time.

Experience the ultimate in student voice with LIVE FM, where your voice matters, and your stories inspire. Register your interest below.